Thursday 11 October 2012

Julia Gillard is a man - hater?

From: g87
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 1:49 PM
Subject: Julia Gillard is a man - hating misandrist?
Julia Gillard is a man - hating misandrist?

Be aware that Alice - In - Wonderland femininists have created the misogynist epithet to mean sexual discrimination. [Ref.: Wikipedia] Why has no one wondered how absurd this sounds from the most powerful person in the country?
Pathetically, via the dictionary definition, she is designating the esteemed Tony Abbott a woman hater.

Understand that some men with problems are unable to form relationships with women.
Women sense there is something wrong and reject them.
These sad men become woman haters. Or worse.

To thus classify Tony Abbott is surely going to sentence Julia to political grave.
Indeed - maybe the worst PM in history [far worse than Gough] should be called a man - hater?
That would be no worse than the frustrated bleatings of the foundation member of Emily's List.

Even her 'Emily' co - founder - that other arch femininist Joan Kirner did not play the man like J Gillard

Geoff Seidner
13 Alston Gr
East St Kilda 3183

03 9525 8388

Misogyny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Misogyny is the hatred or dislike of women or girls. According to feminist theory,misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, ...

Definition of misogynist


  • a person who hates women:a bachelor and renowned misogynist


  • having or showing a hatred of women:a misogynist attitude
[On a good day - ask the good lady why she needed the arch - femininist group Emily's List to help her politicalcareer?'

Definition of misogynist


  • a person who hates women:a bachelor and renowned misogynist


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